Thursday, May 7, 2009

(This is the wonderful video Roy Baker and WVU Cru. suprised us with at our last Cru. worship meeting. We were completely shocked, but so thankful for all the wonderful words spoken. It was the perfect going away present!!)

Well, our time working with Campus Crusade for Christ at West Virginia University is officially over. Last week we had our very last Bible Studies, Cru. worship meeting, and evangelism sharing in the Mountainlair. It is such a bitter sweet feeling having spent 7 years in this town (6 years for Brooke). All that we have known of each other is Morgantown and WVU Cru. Wow!

We are preparing to move to Tidewater at the end of this month and are extremely nervous, but so unbelievably excited. We hope you will join us in prayer, as we transition into a new town, new job description, and new life. We'll miss you Mo-town and all the wonderful "West Virginians" that have been a part of our life. Blessings!

(Us watching the surprise video at Cru!)


Sarah Haddox said...

Awesome video and a well deserved send off! The level of friendships and commitment Crusade fosters never stops amazing me. God has provided a great tool to change the lives of those who work for and are touched by such an amazing ministry. May you both be blessed in this new chapter of your lives!

Becky said...

Sweet. What a great crew of believers. We are excited and praying for you as you move to your new job. Your love for God and for these students is challenging. It was wonderful to see through the video how you have been a blessing at WVU. Look out VA.

annechovie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I pray that God will bless your move and new ministry a ton!

Andrea said...

I'm crying my eyes out. What an amazing video! Roy made a great attempt to express the appreciation of so many WVU CRU alumni, but I really do not think you two will ever know how many lives and just how deeply you have impacted us. I know my college years would not have been the same with out you and campus crusade, but furthermore, my relationship with God is forever changed because of you! I love you both and keep you in all of my prayers!