Monday, March 30, 2009

New Beginnings

I know that it has been forever since we last posted, but we are alive and well! Don't worry! Now, I wish that I could promise you that we will be posting at least once a week, but I'm just not that person. However, I do want to promise you that we will post more frequently (than once every 5 months). Ha!

I did want to take this moment to share with you about an IMPORTANT CHANGE Brooke and I are making this summer. We are moving from Morgantown, WV to Norfolk, VA!! We are taking a new position within Campus Crusade for Christ to launch new ministries on college campuses that do not have Campus Crusade. We will be directors of a team of new staff working on campuses in the “Tidewater Region.” We are so excited about this new opportunity to trust God, and hope you will join us in this new adventure to reach every college student with the message of Jesus Christ!

The above video was filmed on some of the campuses we will be working on, and details what our new ministry will look like. (The video was specifically made as a tool to recruit new interns and staff to join us.)

As we transition to this new position, I look forward to updating the blog more frequently as a tool to share with you the excitement and frustrations of starting brand new ministries. So look forward to it!!


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow! I'm sooo excited about the adventure the Lord is taking you two on!!! Sad that u r leaving, but sooo pumped for how He is going to use you in the Tidewater Region!

Keep the updates coming! Prayin' for you!!