Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Christ must increase, and I must decrease

Brooke and I are really learning a lot lately about personal surrender. We know that we need to surrender our will, our desires, and our schedules to God, but it is much easier said than done. (Can I get an 'Amen' on that?) This all came to the surface from a newsletter we received from WHM (World Harvest Missions). It had an amazing article written by Jack Miller:

"Our obsessive need to feel in control is a prime obstacle to the Spirit's working mightily in and through us. We may want to retain control of our tongues and use them to gossip, defend "our rights," or blame-shift. We may have determined to say "no" to suffering or to keep a tight grip on our ambition, reputation, and possessions."
"The Holy Spirit does not lead more of us into maximum Christian life because we only allow Him minimum control of our life choices."

This is what I see in my life and this is how I see so many Christians living--living a mediocre version of truly following Jesus! BUT in my daily life today, I want to be someone who continually gives my control over to the One who truly has my best interest in mind. I don't want to be someone who is so protective of my schedule and my time that Christ has no room in it.

Last night we had our monthly meeting for all of our student leaders. We plan and pray together for what God might have in store for our ministry over the next month. During this meeting, one of our freshmen students (Ryan Quinn on the left) explained how it breaks his heart to see others who aren't living whole-heartedly for God. With tears in his eyes he explained, "I want to live the rest of my life serving God with everything I do, forever and ever." What's more amazing, is that Ryan came to WVU in August ready to abandon the Christian faith he was raised in. But through his Crusade Bible study in his dorm and Christian friends...he is now truly living for God! He desires more than anything to see his classmates and roommates come to know about God & he truly wants every aspect of his life to please God. His newfound passion is inspiring!

I want to be more like Ryan!

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