Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The neXt conference weekend!

Wow! It has been a great semester! We have thoroughly enjoyed our ministry this year and are excited to let you know about an AMAZING weekend conference we just got back from. Each February we attend a conference known as "neXt." It encourages juniors and seniors to consider what to do and how to live once they leave college. We heard great biblical teaching and perspective on how you can live for Christ in whatever career our students may choose. It was GREAT!
The 10 WVU students we took all agreed that the best event was hearing from a panel of Christian adults working in the workplace. We heard from business men, full-time mothers, and doctors & nurses. They shared stories of forming real friendships with co-workers that eventually led to opportunities to openly share about their faith and serve them with the love of Christ. It was so encouraging to hear them say that living out your faith and sharing your faith is not just activity reserved for the church or for a ministry -- it can be lived out daily in the workplace or in the classroom.

Our group out to dinner together.

Brooke with Meghan and Ashley, juniors at WVU.

Brian's childhood friend, Ben Follett, was at the conference because he's involved with Crusade at Penn State University.

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