Saturday, January 19, 2008

These girls are making a difference!

We just got back from our annual leadership retreat. It was an overnight getaway with our 40 student leaders and 10 or so freshmen that we think will be our future leaders. I (Brooke)wish I could introduce you to each one of them! They inspire me day in and day out. They live to make Christ known here at WVU. And, this is not an easy place to live for Him. Let me introduce you to just a few of my heroes:

Meet Meghan Woollard(middle): She is full of life and is so fun! She has a huge heart for the girls Rugby team here at WVU. She joined the team several months back because of her love for the sport, but more importantly for her love for the girls! She lives life with them day in and day out. She is praying for these girls everday and hopes to see them come to know the Lord through her friendship with them.

Meet Heather Louk(far right): Heather is so humble and such a gift to my life! Heather uses her days for the Lord. She called me last week to tell me about a new adventure she is taking on. She had just left a meeting about mentoring international students that are studying at WVU for the semester or year. She got assigned a 21 year old Chinese girl, Cecilia. One thing you need to understand about Heather is that she loves China and loves Asian people. She went with me to East Asia on summer project 2 summers ago and absolutely fell in love with the people there! So even now, 2 years later, she is investing her time in the Chinese people here. She is excited to share the semester with Cecilia and to tell her about the God that has changed her life!

Meet Sarah Yopp: she sings and plays guitar in our worship band. She is so talented musically and loves to sing to the Lord. (She also keeps me up to date with all the latest worship songs that come out!) But much more than her talent is her HEART for people. Her life is one big worship service to the Lord. I see Jesus in her each time I talk with her. She inspires me to love the Lord more. I'm thankful for that.

These are just a few of the amazing students that are changing the face of WVU! Pray for these girls as they grow, learn, and love the Lord.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:14 & 15


Anonymous said...

Joey! Great blog post! I loved the update on some of the women in your life!

maddux12 said...

That Heather girl sounds amazing! Her heart seems as beautiful as her heart.