Tuesday, October 9, 2007

As for me and my house...

With only 10% of our support left to raise before we can begin working on campus again with students, we are both excited and hesitant at the same time. We know that the day is fast approaching where we will be constantly busy with planning events, teaching the Word, counseling students, sharing our faith and spending countless hours cultivating relationships with new students. We long for that day, but at the same time, we have really enjoyed the support raising process over the last few months.
First of all, we have enjoyed it because we have been so blessed to meet with and speak with so many amazing individuals, families and churches. All of you have encouraged and strengthened our walk with God with your commitment to serving God in so many areas. Our times with old friends and new friends have been so valuable.
Secondly, we have enjoyed the process because Brooke and I have been able to really cultivate our marriage during the beginning stages of it. Pictured above is a framed picture in our apartment with a verse from Joshua that we aspire to always be true of our marriage and family. Being able to spend the majority of everyday together has enabled us to form healthy habits that we pray will stick with us through all the ups and downs of life together.

As Paul said in Philippians: "I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body." Paul was torn between the good of two things (departing to be with Christ in heaven or serving Christ on earth). On a smaller level we are torn between the good of two things too. But we trust God, like Paul did, that God's timing is perfect. Only He can provide our support in the timely manner in which we will have learned valuable lessons during the process that will better equip us for a lifetime of ministry and marriage together.


Beth said...

It's about time you updated. :) Love you both. I'll keep praying for that last 10%!

Becky said...


What an encouragement you are. In all things give thanks. Love you both.

The Porters

Anonymous said...

are you able to go to fall retreat????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

i have the perfect solution to the support dilemma. just ask.