Monday, August 6, 2007

Home Sweet Home

We are so excited to be back in Morgantown, WV. Thank you for all your support and prayers for our time in Colorado. We definitely learned so much and grew a lot in our faith, but we are so thankful to be back. It is truly a blessing to have our own apartment. Even though it is pretty small (but so much bigger than the dorm room we stayed in all summer), we are so thankful for a place where we can relax and call our own. We love our little yard, our newish kitchen and our porch.
Brian recently celebrated his 23rd birthday. Yay! We had a few of our students over for a cookout and some games of cornhole (if you don't know what that is - it's basically just an 'advanced' game of beanbag toss). Brian had a blast and it was great to catch up with our students and friends' lives. Here are a few pictures.

Finally, we wanted to let you know that we have been knee-deep in the support raising process. We have realized that we will need an additional $2800/monthly support to come in before we can begin working on campus again. It is tough realization to come to as the school year will start in less than two weeks. However, we did have the great privilege to speak at my home church in Cranberry Township, Pa this past Sunday. They had a missions awareness event and invited us to come and speak about what God has been doing at WVU over the past few years. It was a great afternoon of catching up with old friends, current supporters, and hopefully future supporters as well. Please be praying for us as we continue to trust God to bring our support in as quickly as possible.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Brian, those burgers look tasty. Call us when they're ready!

Brian and Brooke, we're praying for you and know God will provide all your needs. Thank you for sharing your life with us through this bulletin.

Va Porters