Sunday, July 22, 2007

Our Students

I know it may be hard to realize the impact that you (our partners) are having on the students at WVU when you only get to see a few pictures of them a year. If you click on the link below you will go to video on that one of our students made at the end of this last semester. You will be able to see students that are having fun at our socials or worshipping God at our weekly meeting or on a missions trip. We really try to provide a fun & comfortable atmosphere in which every student will be given a chance to hear the Gospel and it couldn't be done without your help!! Some students' faces represent a group of students that have turned to Jesus through God using Cru. after they've taking many wrong turns during college. Other faces represent Christian students that came to WVU and have grown exponentially in their faith through God using Cru. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into the faces of our beloved students at WVU:
2006-2007 Year in Review

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to let you know i'm going to check your blog all the a stalker...but that's okay...i can be a stalker if i want to be cause i'm the best friend. i love both of you so much and i'll be praying for you. i miss you and hope to see you soon.