Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Launching in Tidewater

Thanks for checking out our blog! The last couple weeks have been such an amazing ride, with so many unexpected blessing from God and of course a lot of rough patches as we've started to launch new Campus Crusade ministries in the Tidewater area. We hope that you will find visiting our blog enjoyable as we include other details, perspectives, and pictures we could not fit in our monthly prayer letter!

As our new team of staff and interns focuses on the enormous tasks of trying to reach out to the 10 majors campuses in the area--we are learning so much about the power of prayer and the tendency to lose sight of this discipline in the midst of the busyness of ministry. As we look to the future in our area, we are trusting God to use us to: "Launch movements that take the Gospel TO the 100,000 students in the 757area, so that everyone knows someone who TRULY follows Jesus (or bust)!!” Please be praying for us and our entire team as we trust God to do BIG things on campus.

A few highlights we've seen over the last 2 weeks of launching:

*We were part of an student organizational fair at Christopher Newport University (a small public university with 5,000 students). We were able to have 139 students fill out spiritual interest surveys and 133 of these students said they were either interested in being in a Bible study or interested in having someone talk about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ!

*We had our FIRST meeting last week at CNU in which 40 students attended! Its truly amazing to see how God can really move in student's hearts to want to live for Him in college and want to be a part of our organization!

We look forward to updating you with more details as we begin to launch ministries at Old Dominion University (20,000+ students) and other campuses in the area. We hope you will join us in prayer as we trust God to use us to reach out to the 100,000 students in the area. God is faithful! Talk to you soon....

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow! Excited to hear about your great start. We've been thinking about you and praying for you thi week.