Sunday, August 24, 2008

Welcome to WVU!

The first week of the semester, affectionately known as BLITZ week to us, has come and gone. We spent the whole week doing all we could to welcome the class of 2012 to WVU. We love to let the freshman known that even though WVU is the #4 party school, there is MUCH more going on. Campus Crusade at WVU provides a place for students to find out more about Jesus and to grow closer to Him while they are here.

BLITZ week events:
August 15-Freshmen MOVE-IN! We were there to greet families as they helped their son or daughter move-in. We invited the students to some of our events during the week, but we were most excited to serve the WVU community by lending a helping hand.
August 16-Root Beer Float Social in the middle of campus during the afternoon and a party in the evening at a house were 6 Crusade guys live . It was the first full-day at WVU for the 6,000 freshmen, and we loved spending some quality time meeting and hanging out with these new students.
August 18- Spiritual interest surveys in all the freshman dorms. Almost 1,000 students checked that they wanted to be involved in a dorm Bible study and wanted to grow in the relationship with God.
August 19- We visited students' dorm rooms who had filled out a survey saying they wanted more information.
August 20- Volleyball social outside one of the biggest freshmen dorms on campus(houses about 2,000 students). It was another great connection time with freshmen students.
August 21- Continued to followup surveys and invite freshmen out to our weekly meeting. At 9pm our worship service(called CRU.) begins with appx. 320 students packing out the auditorium classroom! It was such a great night.! After CRU. I (Brooke) met a freshman named Jessica at our "rockin after-Cru social." She said: " This was the greatest part of my week! I'm so glad CRU is here!" Thanks for praying for us as the semester starts up! We are so thankful for your partnership in bringing the gospel to WVU!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

WOW! You guys are so awesome. Great video. I know this will be a great year for you.

Standing with you,