Thursday, July 31, 2008

A summer of trusting God...

Wow! I cannot believe our summer project to East Asia is over! Thanks so much for praying for us and our team. (And thanks to those of you who have stuck with our blog! We had to disable the blog for the summer for security reasons, but we are back up and running. We hope you'll leave a comment, so we know we still have friends on here!?!?). Now that we have been back for a couple weeks, it is still so hard to try and express the summer in words. Every time someone asks, 'How was your summer?"--we either feel a little weird and simply say, "It was good!" or, we ramble on for hours about a bunch of random things without really making much sense or coming to any type of conclusion.
But today I feel like I could summarize the summer like this: It was the most exciting, heart-wrenching, fun, and difficult summer of our lives, that ultimately brought Brooke and I closer to one another and closer to the heart of God. (Wheeeeeeewwww!) It's hard for us to imagine that just a few weeks ago, we were meeting daily with Asian students (half-way around the world) who literally had never heard of the name of Jesus or who had never heard about the Gospel! It was so thrilling and so exhausting to share our faith every day with these students. With our the team, the Gospel was fully shared with almost 100 students, we personally saw 3 students accept Jesus into their life, and we were able to individually meet and discuss the Bible with 4 young Christians who did not know any other Christian students. In the midst of all that, we were taking language classes, living in a dormitory, eating a lot of rice, and loving all the fun times of laughter and joy with our team of 9 WVU students. What an amazing experience to be used by God on the frontlines of what He is doing around the world. Thanks for being a part of it with us!

Breakfast is served (on the street!)

Brooke got to spend time with one of her best friends, April, who was in East Asia serving God for a year.

Some of the awesome Asian food served "family-style."

But when the Asian food became too much for our stomachs, we were so thankful for the few American restaurants in the country. Like McDonalds, KFC and PIZZA HUT!

Our wonderful team of WVU students!

We're sorry, but for security reasons, we can't show pictures on our blog of us doing ministry or of our new Asian friends. What we can share, though, is this wonderful quote (in broken English) from one of the Christian students we met at the University that was impacted by our time there: "I so happy! I firmly believe that God and my dear American sisters will bring me more and more brave and power. I can't express my happy by any word! I love you forever!"


Ben LoPresti said...

Brotherrrrr! Count me in. I'm still a big fan of the Barnetts in the blog-o-sphere. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys!

Becky said...

Welcome back. Good to see your blog is up again. We'll be back often to see what you're doin'.

Mary said...

Welcome Home!! Sounds like just an amazing time. Hope all is going well... Sam said "Brian looks like he's ready for babies"

I have no idea where THAT came from. Call us if you're ever near Baltimore again!

<3 Mary and Sam
(check us out!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Brooke I love the picture! I'm definitely still reading your blog! Miss you both!