Wednesday, November 7, 2007


It is with great JOY that we want to share these two words with you: "WE'RE DONE!"

That's right. God has provided our need of reaching our financial goal in order that we may serve Him fully in the ministry he has called us! Praise God! There are countless stories of how God has provided and there are not enough "thank yous" to express our appreciation for all those that have helped us financially and helped us through their prayers. We are FOREVER grateful.

And although our support may not have come in as quickly as we would have wished, God is sovereign and we now realize just how important this support raising time has been for our marriage and for us to be refreshed, challenged and strengthened in our faith. We are better off now because our character and faith has been stretched beyond what we could have ever imagined. We have realized that our money is from God, our talents are from God, our friends are from God, our ministry is from God, and that He should get the glory through everything. The picture below was taken at our wedding and reminds us that everything that is good comes from a God that is truly good:

We will begin working on campus immediately, and although the semester is almost over there is still so much to do. We can't wait to encourage our disciples again, meet and interact with students on campus, and hope to build trusting relationships with students that will enable us to share the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ with them.

Also, we look forward to months and months, and years and years of partnering with all of you --our faithful supporters and prayer warriors--as we see Christ proclaimed on campus. We truly look forward to getting to know all of you better and joining together in prayer. Please leave a comment, send us an email, or call us if you just want to talk or if we could just be praying for you! Thanks friends!!!


Beth said...

how EXCITING! i am rejoicing with you guys. and i love the picture :)

Anonymous said...


Brian: Thanks for sacraficing your Brooke Time a little bit this weekend and letting her chat so much with me.

Becky said...

We are excited for you and will continue praying for your ministry. Thank you for sharing your travels and adventures with CRU. You are a great encouragement.