Friday, September 7, 2007

Support Update

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We are currently at 83% of our support goal. We have seen God's faithfulness exhibited through all of you! We praise Him for hearing our prayers and supplying our needs. Isn't He so good to us!??
We have enjoyed talking with and meeting with so many wonderful people, but we are in need of more people to talk with about our ministry. We feel that we are quickly running out of contacts, even though we have approximately $1200/monthly support left to raise. A few current supporters have suggested many friends and family to contact and we are so grateful for their generosity and willingness to step out in faith with us. Would you consider answering this question and getting back to us too: "If you were in a similar position of having to raise financial support for a ministry, who would you contact?"

We are really looking forward to being able to work with students again soon. God is doing great things through our ministry at WVU, but we know that some extra helping hands could make a big difference on campus. Our current staff team is very small in comparison to the amount of work and students they minister to (1 full-time staff & 1 intern with over 300 students involved). Will you join us in praying for the Crusade staff team at WVU?


Anonymous said...


Brooke Barnett said...

Thanks katy! Bless your heart!!!