Tuesday, August 21, 2007

WVU #1 party school (again)

To our friends and family - thanks so much for your continued support and prayers. We are working hard and trusting God to provide our support as soon as possible. However, we are open to how God wants to stretch us and teach during this sometimes difficult days. It's hard to see the thousands of students here and not be able to be a part of reaching out to them, getting to know them and making friends with the new freshmen. However, we thank our God who is constantly reminding us of His faithfulness, whether we have a successful support raising day or a difficult one. Our God is faithful!!!

Now for some bad news. The Princeton Review has put out their annual list of the top 20 party schools. Last year we (WVU) were ranked #3, but this year we have been given the #1 party school ranking in the nation. Most students love this ranking and attention, and will no doubt bring more party-minded students to campus in years to come. However, when we hear this announcement we are both saddened and motivated. We have seen God doing some amazing things over the years on campus, but the pressure to live an ungodly life is growing by the second. We ask you to pray for these students at WVU, pray for their hearts to be changed, pray that our ministry will be able to do allll that God has called us to, and pray that Brooke and I may be back to reach this campus with the Gospel as soon as possible.

The news story has been published nation-wide and you can read the story here.

You can also check out an opinion column that some-what praises the party school ranking that was published in the University's student-run paper, The Daily Athenaeum. click.


Brent and Abigail said...

YEAAAA! More friends on blogspot. We will enjoy reading updates on you guys. Still crazy to think that the school year has started without us!

Anonymous said...

B & B,
I heard about the whole party situation on the news yesterday and thought about you guys. I will definately be praying for:
- the students hearts to be softened at WVU
- that Jesus will start preparing the student's hearts to hear about Him.
- that your support will come in asap so you guys can get your butts on campus
- selfishly, that brooke can come see me
- i'll be praying for your marriage, that in this season of waiting, God will strengthen your marriage and allow you to lean on each other when you're struggling.
READ Psalm 13 today.

Anonymous said...

where is this weeks update?