Friday, August 31, 2007

Although it is hard to imagine that school has started at WVU without us, God is doing great things through Crusade after just the first 2 weeks. (We are still living in Morgantown and raising support full-time, but hope to back to work with the ministry and students soon). Last week, after students and staff spent countless hours meeting and serving new students, the much anticipated first worship meeting, CRU., took place. By the grace of God, over 100 new students came to the event. There was a live a worship band, lots of humor, and a message about how to live "full-out" for God during college. Although we weren't allowed to attend, we want to join the other staff and students in praising God for how He is answering our prayers. Despite the countless temptations to ditch God during college, God is providing our ministry with students who really want to live for God and reach this campus with the gospel. (Below is a picture from the worship meeting)

In other news, although support raising is consuming most of our time (and we would love your continued prayers); there is something else that we're excited about: MOUNTAINEER FOOTBALL!! This Saturday marks the beginning of another football season at WVU. Even though neither of us are originally from West Virginia, we have grown to love this town and the football team. There are high expectations for the season (ranked in the top 5 in most polls) with many experts saying we have a shot at a national championship. As the season unfolds there will be unparalled excitement on campus, and as a ministry we want to use these games as a witness to God's greater game. Last year for an away game, we gave away hundreds of hot dogs and soda, projected the game on a BIG SCREEN, and had over 300 students watch the game with us (many of whom were non-Christians). We were able to form relationships with people we may have never gotten to meet and we are still reaping the fruits of this event. Will you join us in praying that we would not just enjoy the excitement of football season, but that we would trust God to use the popularity of football to reach the campus with the gospel (and if you want to pray that WVU wins the national championship - we're OK with that too!) LET'S GO MOUNTAINEERS!


Becky said...


What exciting news and a great kick off for this year. We're standing with you in prayer for the campus and for your support.

The Porters

Anonymous said...

wow i can't believe 100 new students came to the first meeting! that's crazy and so awesome! what percentage of support do you have left to raise? i love you guys...praying for you...